Monday, October 12, 2009

Pictures of the After Life

Sometimes technology is interesting, inspiring and motivating. Other times, it just takes your breath away. This video produced by the Norrkopings VIsualization Center is one of those. I found these guys while on my pursuit of info-graphics and other edifying imagery.

The Virtual autopsy table marries peaceful inquiry to the relentless pursuit of truth. Medical imaging, in this case Dual Energy Computed Tomography, combined with data analysis and visualization creates a full volumetric description of the human body. Yikes!

This revolutionary, peaceful and useful idea came from Sweden. It is already used as a compliment to the traditional um..examination...and can be used in cultures that don't allow conventional methods.

It sets the imagination spinning how quickly an injury could be examined, identified and treated - without invasive alternatives. And just think what they could do to your suitcase!

The Virtual Autopsy Table from NorrköpingsVisualiseringscenter on Vimeo.

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