President Obama quoted Lincoln yesterday as he celebrated Lincoln’s 200th birthday.
"The American people needed to be reminded, he believed, that even in a time of war, the work would go on; that even when the nation itself was in doubt, the future was being secured; and that on that distant day when the guns fell silent, a national capitol would stand, with a statue of freedom at its peak, as a symbol of unity in the land still mending its divisions."
Those are reassuring and hopeful words. They put the positive future into the negative now. Tricky.
Many of us today are at war with our circumstances, fighting our situations or ourselves. Our houses may be gone or at risk, our jobs - gone or at risk, our relationships feel the pressure and our self-concepts go right out the window.
All those invisible forces: status, relationships, and a sense of security. How in the world do we grasp at thin air and make it take shape?
Exercise a clear mind.
1. Visualize. Start with your daydreams and then grab the pieces that mean the most to you. Distill it down to your core values. Freedom, family, health, etc.
2. Act “as if”.
Not employed or just not content? Act as if you are. Spend your time and talent toward something worthwhile. You will attract a worthy future (and put positive potential into the negative now).
3. Explore.
“It’s not what I thought I’d be.” Are you like an actor hanging on to a glamorous role, too full of doubt to explore a gritty new one? Hang on to your values, let go of that outdated glossy.
4. Mend your divisions.
You’ve lost the familiar. It’s exhausting and at times disturbing. Find things in the outer world that give you inner strength – most don’t cost dime; a nap, a walk, a friend, a moment of peace and a sense of pride in your own courage.
5. Lose the baggage.
It’s too heavy anyway. The cynicism, bitterness, self-pity, jealousy – those seven deadly sins are fabled for a reason.
Errant and misguided thinking can cause distress as if it were a physical ailment. Mental clarity can give you energy, integrity and a sense of well-being.
Let Freedom Ring.
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