Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Change, Growth, and Beta-Meta-morphosis

Adoption rates are increasing. Forrester says that four in five adults who participate online are active socially.

Daily we face the full spectrum of interactive involvement. We cope with IE6 fixes, the on-going adoption of our company or client base and the agile competitors that leap ahead, mashing video with social connectivity, and blending the virtual and physical realms with real-time retail mobile scanning and transactions.

As we experience change and all its gyrations, we take respite and glean inspiration from the minds that are moving us forward. They allow us to collect data for the birdwatching society, watch TV on demand via Hulu, use our gsp to track friends and family or view starmaps accurately based on our longitude and latitudinal designations.

Innovation policies are strong in countries such as Finland, Japan, Germany and others -many say the United States is falling behind. But the truth is, that with crowd sourcing, innovation is being led with the strongest idea, no matter who it came from.

According to Jeffrey Howe, Crowdsourcing strips away race, sex, age, nationality and every other demographic to release ideas from any participating source. If knowledge is power then the organization, company or country that learns to harness the intellectual power of its members and then express it in usable solutions will generate future wealth and prosperity.

Sharing is in the air and it’s very exciting stuff.

With the imminent release of Google Wave, open source philosophy, and mobile adoption, these transformative leaps will continue to happen at an increasing rate.

The media diet required to keep up with these advancements is intimidating. Current stats say the average American spends 9 hours a day in front of a screen. There is much to be gained from crowdsourcing, mobile advancements and real-time fully informed decision-making.

But as we evolve don’t hesitate to let go of technology for a moment. Meditate on the growing grass, the full moon and the sleeping cat. Information is available from many sources and the ability to improvise is sourced from within the human experience. The amplification of this skill set and its integration into our culture at varied rates is the vibrant and uncertain condition in which we currently travel.

Enjoy the beta-meta ride.