Have you lost a job, a co-worker?
Is your spouse out of work?
Are you feeling like your world is crumbling?
Here's a list of questions that can help get you back on track and prepared to refocus on positive possibilities. As always, writing your answers brings greater clarity by pushing your imaginative brain through your analytical side
12 Quick Questions to Guide Your Forward
- What's the truth about this situation?
- What am I most eager to resolve?
- What I have I lost in this change?
- How do I feel about this loss?
- What do I lose if I don't transform?
- What is the worst that could happen if I fail?
- What is the best that could happen if I succeed?
- Why have I not made this change before?
- Why do I have more choices now?
- Who and what will support me through this transformation?
- What are three possible positive outcomes as a result of this change?
- Which of these possible positive outcomes excites me the most?
We do not control the global economy, national economy, our industry and usually don't control the company we work for even if we're in senior management. But we can make choices about our reactions and thoughts that can can keep us energize and creating new opportunities.
It is shocking when our status, relationships, roles and self-concept are swept away. We mourn, berate, fume and cloud our thinking with dark emotions and imaginings. We need to engage the change and become the creators of our own opportunities.
I wish you an exciting future and hope you'll write and let me now of your discoveries and your outcomes.